HB Rueter Engineering Inc.
Mechanical Engineering Consulting Company
About Us
HB Rueter Engineering Inc. (HBRE) is a mechanical engineering consulting company that started in November 2003. HBRE works to provide clients with quality mechanical design services including HVAC for commercial projects such as schools, clinics, and airport auxiliary buildings; DDC and electric/electronic controls; steam and hot water district heating systems; well water cooling systems; utilidor piping, plumbing, fuel systems for boilers, gen-sets, and aircraft and fleet fueling; and solar energy applications. HBRE works directly with utilities, building owners, or with other designers, providing concept design, calculations, and cost estimates, preparing construction drawings and specifications and providing bidding and CA services; and also teams with contractors on design-build projects.
Benefits of working with HBRE:
Energy Conservation is a major design focus. Conformance with ASHRAE 90.1 is considered a minimum. Economizer cooling is a must. Every fan and pump motor is optimized for maximum efficiency. Opportunities to utilize renewable energy sources are welcomed.
Small Company Flexibility allows HBRE to take on fewer projects and give each of her designs the thorough consideration clients expect.
Unusual Design Challenges lead HBRE to find innovative solutions. HBRE embraces unique situations as opportunities to find new uses for conventional technology.
From Concept to Final Inspection HBRE is committed to your project. HBRE closely coordinates with utilities, architects, contractors, equipment representatives, building officials, and other engineering firms.


Commercial Heating and cooling load calculations
HVAC and plumbing design
Industrial ventilation design
Building energy use analysis
Fire suppression systems design and specification
HVAC control systems design
Commissioning, recommissioning, retro-commissioning
Fuel storage and distribution systems design
Steam and process piping design
District heating system design
Pipe stress and anchor load calculation – worksheet and computer analysis
Compressed air, vacuum, medical gases, and associated equipment
Bulk unloading and conveyor systems for urea pellets (airport runway deicing) and other pellet or flowable material.
HooDoo Brewery New Biergarten Firebergs (2017): Fairbanks, Alaska. Design included natural gas-fired fire pits (“bergs”) and natural gas piping system.
Alaska Dreams 120x80 Structure (2016): Deadhorse Airport, Alaska. Design included natural gas-fired unit heaters and natural gas piping system.
Wentz Dental Office (2016): North Pole, Alaska. Design included HVAC, plumbing, vacuum, and medical gases.
Crowley Office Addition (2016): Delta Junction, Alaska. Design included HVAC and plumbing.
Greer Prep and Paint Shop (2016): Fairbanks, Alaska. Design included HVAC and plumbing. Featured condensing gas boiler, radiant slab heat, HRV’s, and support for specialized painting, blasting, and compressed air equipment.
Ester Gas (2015-2016): Ester, Alaska. Design included HVAC and plumbing.
Alaska Aerofuel – 536 4th Avenue (2015): Fairbanks, Alaska. HVAC for fume mitigation.
Camp Li-Wa Dining Hall (2014-Present): Fairbanks, Alaska. Design included HVAC and plumbing. Featured condensing propane-fired boilers, radiant slab heat, solar energy utilization, coordination with masonry heater, type I kitchen hood, variable speed, with interlocked heated makeup air system.
Greer Welding Shop Air Filtration (2014): Fairbanks, Alaska. Initially contacted by Greer to review two very expensive proposed air cleaning systems from different manufacturers, Helena was able to recommend a different, more economical arrangement of ceiling-hung filtration units to be installed around the perimeter of the shop.
New Journey Christian Church (2013-Present): Fairbanks, Alaska. Design included HVAC, with several large HRV’s for 300-person sanctuary and classrooms, radiant slab heat, heat pumps with pond source and backup heat provided by condensing propane-fired boilers, option to switch to natural gas (coming from the other side of the building!) when available; coordination with masonry heater.
Maudry J. Sommer School Boiler, Generator, DDC upgrades and balancing troubleshooting (2014-2015): City of Tanana, Alaska. Projects began with boiler and generator replacement design, followed by troubleshooting of a previous school renovation. Work resulted in addition of many volume dampers and rebalancing system. DDC upgrade included design to add DDC control and monitoring of existing biomass boiler into school heating system DDC.
FIA ARFF (2012-2015): Fairbanks, Alaska. Major HVAC renovation of main ARFF building, plus HVAC design for new sand storage building. Design included several new air handlers and makeup air units, natural-gas-fired condensing boilers, radiant slab heat for the new sand storage building, and all new terminal heating units for the main ARFF building. Design for vehicle exhaust and welding hood exhaust was also provided. Complete CA services through demonstration, testing, and warranty period.
Fort Greely CHPP Boiler Replacement (2014-2015): Ft. Greely, Alaska. Design Build with Heritage General Contracting, Inc. Design included review of boiler flue routing and discharge height, SRV discharge pipe routing, steam and condensate piping layout, anchor force calculations, and writing project specifications.
Pogo MWTP-3 (2014-2015): Pogo Mine, Alaska. Design Build with M2C1 Construction and Engineering in Delta Junction, Alaska. Design included completion of HVAC design from another firm and from-scratch propane design to replace preliminary design of oil-fired and natural gas fired equipment. CA services included assistance with procurement of large vertical LP-gas-fired makeup air unit with heat recovery.